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  • nathan700

Cardiff - Summer space install

Updated: Aug 25, 2021

We all like to enjoy the sunshine during the summer. Whether it's on holidays abroad, at home at the beach or even in our own back gardens.

But as we all know our British summers are unpredictable so it's always nice to have a semi-outdoor space where you can both enjoy the sunshine and entertain - even when the weather turns.

For one of our clients, they wanted just that. A space where they can both enjoy the sunshine and their garden but also have a space where they can both relax and entertain throughout the year.

Whilst the main structure of the Summer space was designed, built and installed by a separate contractor, our engineers worked alongside them installing:

  • LED lighting within the beams of the structure

  • External heaters

  • External plug sockets

Our engineers also installed LED Lighting within our client's decking, giving atmospheric light to the whole garden.

Our clients are extremely pleased with the finished results and we are proud of the work that our engineers carried out.

To see more projects that we've worked on visit our portfolio here.

If you are interested in having a space like this or just want some electrical work done in the garden then get in touch with us via our contact page or call us directly on 02922 402640


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